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Our School

About the School

Norwood Green is a community Junior school for pupils in Key Stage 2; years 3-6.

The school is 3 form entry. Pupils start at the school with the Year 3 intake. We now have approximately 334 children in 12 classes. 

Most of our children transfer from Norwood Green Infants - our link school.

Our school is multicultural which reflects the local community.

We welcome and celebrate diversity, including children with disabilities and special educational needs.

Our most recent Ofsted report finding states:

This is a school where leaders put a high priority on the wellbeing of pupils and staff. Relationships between adults and pupils are warm and caring. Staff have high expectations for pupils. Pupils are a delight to talk to. They are highly respectful and value the many opportunities available in the school. Pupils take their responsibilities seriously.

Staff and pupils enjoy being part of a diverse community. Those from different backgrounds are respected and included.......... pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) participate fully in school life.

Pupils behave extremely well. They follow very clear routines and love to share their learning. The school’s behaviour system is understood throughout the school. Pupils shared their enthusiasm to gain "privilege points’’. This helps them to strive for their best. All pupils spoken to said that they felt safe.'

To read the school's Ofsted report in full please click here 'Ofsted Report'.