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Headteacher: Mrs Priya Sehgal

Norwood Green Junior School

Thorncliffe Road

(Registered office address of Academy Trust as above, Registered England & Wales, 

Company House Number: 08520286)


Tel: 0208 574 1726

e-mail: office@ngjs.hounslow.sch.uk

website: www.ngjs.co.uk


Deputy Headteacher: Mr Jon Makepeace

Assistant Headteachers: Ms Sarah Lawrence & Mrs Helen Canbakis

SENCo: Ms Fay Godwin

DSL: Mr Hutchinson

School Business Manager: Miss Blakeburn

School office contacts: Mrs Remtulla, Mrs Creary

Contact for the Academy Trust: Mrs D Parker - Chair of Governors (via the school)

To request a paper copy of information on our website please contact the school office either by email or phone (see details above)