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Our Vision & Aims


At NGJS our vision is ambitious: our pupils will be proud of their successes during their time with us and feel a sense of achievement in their lives. They will strive towards setting high standards in all they do, to not readily accept failure and understand that mistakes are part of the lifelong learning process. Our pupils will have an appreciation of the wider world as well as an understanding and empathy for the viewpoints and backgrounds of those within our diverse community. Success is achieved through establishing positive relationships, developed team working skills, high levels of respect and active inclusion. Developing high levels of confidence and increasing pupils’ independence of thought and action is important to us: we wish our pupils to have the skills to make reasoned choices, both in terms of personal development and in terms of learning.  At NGJS, above all, we will provide our pupils with the skills, aptitude and knowledge to become confident, successful, independent young people, ready to meet any challenges ahead.


To achieve this vision, we aim to:

  • Achieve high levels of literacy and numeracy
  • Develop core skills through a rich curriculum
  • Celebrate widely the range of successes of our pupils
  • Positively promote and teach the values of our school
  • Enable opportunities for independence, both in terms of the formal and wider curriculum
  • Ensure pupils are safe and cared for, taking account of their emotional, physical and social needs
  • Encourage self-confidence and self-belief, developing a positive attitude of self-worth
  • Achieve good standards of communication
  • Promote positive behaviour to support learning and social responsibility
  • Ensure positive partnerships between school and home support pupils in their learning and personal needs
  • Employ high quality staff, who are or have the potential to be outstanding in their support of pupils’ learning and personal development
  • Ensure high quality training and continued professional learning support staff to do their role, improve their role and develop pedagogy in school
  • Promote UNICEF’s Rights of a Child
  • Promote an ‘everybody a leader, everybody a learner’ culture amongst pupils and staff